Response (tip info)
Response (tip info) 200 OK, application/json
200 OK, application/json
Parameter | Type | Description |
blockTip | object | An object that contains information about the block tip. |
headerTip | object | An object that contains information about the header tip. |
The information contained in the object is specified below.
Parameter | Type | Description |
height | number | Height of the block. |
hash | string | Hash value representing the block. |
difficulty | string | Difficulty of the mined block. |
merkleRoot | string | Merkle hash of all transactions in the block. |
stateRoot | string | Hash of the world state at that block. |
timestamp | number | Timestamp when the block was added. |
nonce | string | Nonce of the block. |
miner | string | A Hycon wallet address of the miner. |
uncleHash | array | List of hash values of uncle block. |
previousHash | string | The hash value of the previous block. |
Response Error Table
Status | Error | Message |
404 |
| Tip information is undefined in consensus. |
Response (Success)
Last updated